
Friday, November 16, 2012

Rudolph's (cake ball) Nose ~

OK, I know I said that I absolutely wasn't quite ready to start decorating for Christmas but I'm a planner... so it's NEVER too early to plan for the holidays, right?!  I had this cute idea for a holiday hostess gift, I think teachers, bus drivers, hair dressers, babysitters and doctor's offices would like it as well...not sure about dentist offices but I'm guessing they'd love them too!

I had the idea... I googled the idea to make sure no other clever elves came up with the idea first and to the best of my knowledge {right hand on my heart, left hand in the air} ...I am the only person who has EVER made these.   OK, I'm not a fool.  I'm sure someone else did it first so here's MY rendition of Rudolph's Nose Cake Balls! 

"Happy Holidays, Mom!  Here are some delicious cake balls I made just for you!!"
"Aww, thank you Kati!  I don't mind if I do!!!"

 I absolutely ♥ them but NOT as much as I  ♥ this....

Yep!!  A Rudolph's nose cake pop, I couldn't resist!!  Happy {almost} Holidays!!  xo


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