
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving 2012~

Last week I saw a post on facebook that said Santa Claus was already at one of the local malls.  I was a little surprised to say the least!  I mean, thanks to hurricane Sandy most of the area hadn't even celebrated Halloween yet.  {I know some local friends just took their kids trick or treating yesterday!!} I still had my Halloween decorations up and always look forward to those few weeks between Halloween and Thanksgiving when the air is cool, the house smells of fall scented Yankee candles, and Christmas time is in the back of my mind, almost ready to make an appearance. . . almost!!!

So... Happy Thanksgiving time, a time to reflect on everything we have and often overlook!!  I have so much to be thankful for this year including you guys, no matter how you stumbled apon my blog, or how many bad jokes I tell, you kept reading!!! xo

To make a $10 donation to the victims of Hurricane Sandy you can text the word REDCROSS to 90999  xo


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