
Friday, February 10, 2012

Cake Decorating Class Week 5~

Only 1 more class left! Every week the kids get the option to bring their finished goodies home or to eat them in class. Surprisingly, most of them do bring them home. The smiles on their little faces when they've finished their masterpieces is priceless~ They can't wait to get home and show everyone!!

This week, with Valentine's Day just a few days away I wanted to do something extra special so we could share their newly acquired cookie decorating skills with their classmates. We decorated little heart cookies with royal icing, edible eye balls and sugar sprinkles.   Everybody made enough for their whole class. (and ate a few along the way!!) We put each cookie in it's own little bag and tied them with twine.  I ♥ them!!!
"EYE" ♥ you too!!! xo


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